
Summary of Six Purposes of a Performance Management System.

Summary of Six Purposes of a Performance Management System. Strategic: It links the organization’s goals with individual goals, thereby reinforcing behaviors consistent with the attainment of organizational goals. Administrative: It is a source of valid and useful information for making decisions about employees, including salary adjustments, promotions, employee retention or termination, recognition of superior performance,… Continue reading Summary of Six Purposes of a Performance Management System.



SMART goals: Specific: Is your goal clearly defined? Measurable: Can you track your goal? Aspirational: Reach for the stars. Push yourself. Realistic: Are your goals realistic? Time-bound: When do you want to reach your goals? And what do you have to do to reach your goals and deadlines?


Finding the Sweet Spot of Competitive Positioning

Finding the Sweet Spot of Competitive Positioning The sweet spot of competitive positioning ensures your brand is relevant to the target audience and differentiated from the competition. This article from Sawtooth Technologies pinpoints ways to position your brand, particularly in the business-to-business market. Where should a brand be positioned? Although this is a straightforward marketing… Continue reading Finding the Sweet Spot of Competitive Positioning

Daily Quotes

Loyal Employees are Assets – Not Liabilities!

Employees are your most valuable resource. Yet many companies ignore and treat their employees poorly. Our system has fallen into a self-reinforcing command loop construct as follows: Increase shareholder value at all costs without regard for the human factor. Sadly, if you do not cure the cancer in the root of the tree, not only… Continue reading Loyal Employees are Assets – Not Liabilities!